Caulmert’s Water Team has been appointed by Sir Robert McAlpine Design Group for provision of drainage design based on Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) methodology for the expansion of the existing Pinewood Studios development in Buckinghamshire.
The development which is known as the Pinewood Studios Development Framework, will double the existing studios by adding a total of 100,000 square metres of new facilities, including 5 large stages and associated workshops.
SUDS drainage design for the new studios included green roofs and two large attenuation basins including bypass separators to cope with the 100-year plus climate change rainfall event to protect the quantity and quality of the discharge into the local watercourse. In order to meet the Environment Agency’s requirements the peak discharge rates were limited to the pre-development greenfield runoff of between the 2-year and the 100-year rainfall events. This was achieved by introducing complex control structures at the outfalls of the attenuation basins.
The drainage design also consisted of foul water discharge analysis and design. This included a foul water pumping station, a rising main to a new manhole control structure and connection to the existing Thames Water sewer system.