A Cheshire based Company that specialises in the importation and distribution of screws, fixings, fuel cells and power tool accessories has been given the green light for a major expansion.
Caulmert’s planners have secured planning permission for a 32,500 sq ft warehouse extension and for a covered loading area of more than 12,000sq ft, that will allow the Company to expand its operations and to employ up to 20 additional staff. The site is located in the open countryside, however, our planners were able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that the proposed development is compliant with existing and emerging planning policies and would not result in harm to the landscape character of the area or to nature conservation. Other specialists within Caulmert undertook flood risk, drainage and contaminated land assessments, which were submitted as part of the planning application; this integrated approach informed the development of the scheme and helped to ensure that potential issue were identified and addressed at an early stage and in a co-ordinated manner.