Caulmert’s planners have secured planning permission for the development of a solar array, with a generating capacity of up to 4MW, on a 7ha site in Wrexham. Caulmert managed the planning application process from the outset, drawing together specialist inputs on ecology, archaeology and landscape and producing a Supporting Planning Statement that demonstrated compliance with the relevant policies of both the Local Planning Authority and the Welsh Government. A constructive dialogue with the Local Planning Authority, both pre-application and whilst the planning application was under consideration, helped to resolve potential concerns at an early stage. This, in turn, resulted in a reduction in the number of pre-commencement conditions attached to the planning permission and facilitated the timely implementation of the scheme.
Caulmert has a wide range of experience in handling planning applications for solar PV arrays and is at present working on a number of other sites across England and Wales, including one which extends to approximately 100 hectares.