Redsun Projects Ltd
Project Value
- Structural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
Caulmert Limited were commissioned by Redsun Projects to provide Civil, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Services for a £4.5m industrial development at Telford.
The development comprised the construction of total three new industrial units. Each building will have a large single storey-area and a smaller two-storey zone dedicated to office space. Combined, three units will have a total construction area on plan of 77,000 sq ft.
The superstructure will be formed by steel portal frames with clear height to the eaves of 7.5m which supports a lightweight roof. The two-storey office areas a steel frame solution with a composite deck at the 1st floor. The superstructure supported by shallow foundations and the ground floor slabs comprises a reinforced concrete ground bearing slab designed to support a maximum load of 40kPa.
Due to variable ground conditions of the construction site, the founding strata was vibro-improved to support a maximum 50kPa load beneath the ground bearing slab and 150kPa at pad foundation location.
Our Civils team designed the surface water and foul drainage to the site in addition to completing flood risk assessments. The proposal includes for a sustainable surface water drainage solution and liaison with Severn Trent Water (STW) to obtain S106 consents and connections.
The Highways element includes the for the completion of the technical design for a S278 or S184 agreement with the Highway Authority for the proposed new site highway access.