Caulmert have been appointed to provide consultancy services for the initial land development for a proposed new Fire Station & Police Post. The comprehensive assessment will include:
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1. Desktop study to cover:
contaminated land survey
geotechnical survey
2. Site investigation:
(i) assessment of the suitability of ground within in the site area to include:
– trial pits and window samples sufficient to inform choice of foundation solution and to determine allowable ground bearing pressures for foundation design
– Infiltration tests to determine infiltration rate to inform surface water soak-away design
– CBR tests for hardstanding areas
– Interpretive report to include recommendations for foundation solutions, formation depth, allowable ground bearing pressure and design sulphate class to be adopted in foundation design
– Recommendations for Radon/ground gas protection measures if required
(ii) Contaminated land investigation
3. Ecological survey
4. BREEAM Report and 5 year Management Plan