Team Caulmert’s runners of Jim McClymont, Mike Caulfield and Chris Newton turned out on a beautiful spring morning for Always Aim High Event’s half marathon along the Anglesey shore line. Åsa, claimed a foot injury that prevented her from running so she provided vocal support and encouragement along the course from her bike.
The race started on the Menai Suspension bridge, before winding its way along coastal road to Beaumaris and back, what could go wrong?
Mike ran a personal best; just over an hour and three quarters, very much in the style of Mo Farrow. Jim had remained a few minutes behind Mike, no doubt in anticipation of his forthcoming salary review . Quite some time passed before Chris appeared. Despite suffering from reluctant legs syndrome around the 9 mile mark he battled on courageously to claim the title of second to last male runner – a fine effort for this clean athlete !
All three runners received the special slate medal and Jim got a special medal from his nephew’s support team.